Friday, 21 September 2012

The Freshers' Checklist

Yep, it’s that time of year again. We’d like to give a massive Oxfam Oxford Road welcome to the Manchester Freshers of 2012!

If endless partying, your first student loan payment and a heap of new friends aren’t enough to get you jumping up and down with excitement, remember that for the first glorious week of freedom, you don’t even have to think about opening a textbook. Joy.  

Here’s what most of you have probably sorted in the first few days of living responsible and independent lives:

Whole new wardrobe for freshers week? Check!
Enough Vodka and Red Bull to last a lifetime? Check!
Cupboard full of every variety of supernoodles? Check!

So, in light of this, we thought we’d write all you newbies an essentials checklist to make sure you have all the things ready for the start of term that you might have put to the back of your minds (they’re important too, honest!).

Pop in to our shop on Oxford Road and we’ll get it sorted without breaking the bank:

Stationary? Check!

Crockery? Check!
Textbooks? Check!

Enjoy freshers week and remember to pop in and say hello!

Oxfam Oxford Road x